December 19, 2007

Whats New?

Two different TV commercials have been seen, but only one on TV. Heres what I meen. The first TV commercial was seen two nights ago on VH1 during the "I love New York 2" finale, but the other has only been seen on the web, but they say its a TV commercial: ;

The first one's dialogg is as follows: *credit to Denis, from Cloverfield Clues*
Announcer: Some Thing Has Found Us
Lily: What is that?
Announcer: January 18th
Hawk: You don't know what we saw! The point is, it's still here.
Announcer: Once you've seen it, nothing will be the same
Lily: Do you know what that thing is?
Soldier: Whatever it is, it's winning
Announcer: From producer JJ Abrams
Woman: Bite! We have a bite!
Rob: Where are you taking her?

That commercial has only been seen once on TV, although it has leaked to YouTube in a very low quality:

A quick TidoWave update (for those of you who dont know, its a website against Tagurato).
Well the "event" has gone wrong. Someone posted the following:

I don’t know what to say. They told me to post here. I’ve never done this before.

Um…..things are not going as planned. There has been a problem with the “event”. Please contact me if you have any information on Randy or the others. I’m the only one here right now. Backup desperately needed.

December 14, 2007

Contest - Exclusive Video

In order for it to count, you must "grab this!" and add it to your Blog, Myspace, FaceBook, ect. Thanks for all the support.

December 12, 2007

I was asked very nicely to post this on my website, so Ill help support the cause:

Good Search is like google and yahoo but it gives 1 penny to any organization listed on there. It's 1 penny for each search but don't make any fradulant searches or the organization will be kicked off the list. Well, my school is listed on there and I would like people in here to search on that site so it could raise money for my organization. If you want to help:
1) Our organization name is "Kempner Marching Cougars Booster Club"
2) Spread it around from your friends and family.
3) This is our last month (December; yeah, we've been on it awhile) so please search, search, search.
Thanks for all your help! Oh, the site is:

So, support this person and their school.

December 10, 2007

Jamie and Teddy V5

The Jamie and Teddy video 5 has no been posted.

What was in the present:
-Slusho! Hat
-Some sorta "evidence" that needed to be frozen
-tape recorder

The tape recorder said the following: Jamie, listen to me, alright this is not a joke. If you're hearing this before we've spoken, then it means that I've been captured by the company called Tagruato. Ok, tagruato. Now listen. You, this is important. Don't call the authorities. It'll screw everything up. Just sit tight and wait to hear from Randy. He knows to call you. We're on their station ok, and it's like they've found something, or they're making something, but the point is, I can't, I'm not going to be calling you again. You're not gonna hear from me again. I just want you to wait for Randy, he will explain

Some other news:
As Im sure you heard, there is now a Slusho! commercial on their website.

Also, please visit 50% of their revinues go to Charities. So next time you need to search the web, search with

November 26, 2007

Slusho! on Heroes, again.

This could meen in the comming weeks Heroe's will become a clue. This will help Heroes already huge audiance get bigger (since all the JJ fanaddicts will start watching). More as its avalible. Unhacked?

Update: Its back up. Doesnt look like anything new.
Update: 只今改装中 = they are remodeling the site now.
Right now its a big "caution" symbol with Japanese writing. Im thinking it meens Underconstruction.

The Mystery Begains!

Comming soon.

November 23, 2007 "hacked" seems to be "hacked". This is most likley part of the viral campaign, because of the fact the company does not exist. Now here is the picture.

Now, after looking at the photo for about 10 seconds, I noticed the 4 sea creatures.

A mutated like fish (far left), jelly fish (top right), squid (right middle), and a crab (bottom right). My thought after seeing this is that the monster is a result of the drilling (obviously) but I think it causes a mutated creature with th combination of all 4 of these creatures. Think about it. It walks (crab), its probably poisonous (the bio suits, which would be the jelly fish). The squid could be part of what the creature looks like. And the fish would explain why it swims so fast.
This is my theory as of now. Anywho, thoughts or coments, leave 'em.

November 20, 2007

Heroes need Slusho! too.

The cast of Heroes recently enjoyed some lovely deap sea bevrages as they gave Slusho! a try.

Many other pictures such as this one can be found at:
Also, slusho made an apperance on last nights show. Funny, Im a fan of the series, but yesterday I ended up watching WWE Raw instead (for the return of Chris Jericho). Of corse somthing like this would happen.
Also, points out that there are now advertisements for Cloverdield on the web, so keep a look out and report any of your findings.
Register at the forum, and get active.

November 19, 2007

New Website and HD Trailer up

There is now a new website, obviously the official Cloverfield website. Its

And the HD trailer is up which can be viewed here:
Both are HD (but obviously the apple one is better)

More to come as this developes.

November 18, 2007

New Poster and more

A new poster has begain to buzz around the Cloverfield world. The poster is the same as the old one, but now says "C L O V E R F I E L D". These posters began poping up on Ebay. Also is reporting that there are also "standees" for Cloverfield, although this has not been confirmed. Also, keep an eye on - This will probably be the official Cloverfield website.

Id like to remind you of our special news letter email address where you can hear about all the updates in one email. Its simple, fast, and reliable. Just email with a subject of "Subscribe". And if you havent, register and get active in the TruthForums.

Have AIM? Add the truth: Truth11808

Also, subscribe to the Official YouTube Accouts for

November 15, 2007

2nd Official Trailer Leaked On YouTube!

Finally, what we've all been waiting for over the past 3 or so months has finally happened. The 2nd highly-anticipated trailer was leaked on YouTube today by several people bringing their vid cams in the theater and capturing the trailer. Not the best quality, but we get to see it without having to wait for it to appear as an official downloadable trailer from Apple Trailers or seeing it for yourself when seeing Beowulf.

Also, the move title is finally confirmed to be the originally leaked title of the movie... "CLOVERFIELD"!

From what we see, this movie is going to be awesome!

Want to talk about the trailer? AIM Screen name: Truth11808 - Add it!

So, here's the link to the one of the better quality vids on YouTube. Come in to the forums to get more info!

November 12, 2007

Jamie and Teddy Video #4 Now Up!

As the long awaited moment of a new trailer is on just around the corner, we're treated to another installment of Jamie's video diary.

In this video, Jamie is back to her bubbly self, and once again, showing us a side we haven't seen before. If you're in the mood for a little strip tease, Jamie will oblige!

Not much else in the video to note really. At the end, she talks about "the cause" and hopes to understand it some and maybe they (Jamie and Teddy) can talk about it some next time they talk. It's obviously a big clue as she says "the cause" a few times within 30 seconds.

Jamie has also kept her word up to now about the Christmas present, which is sitting on her night stand still opened.

So, go watch the vid ( - password: jllovesth) and come into the forums to discuss your thoughts!

October 31, 2007

New Trailer Announced!

The title says it all.

Hey Nation,
If you havent heard on November 16th there will be a new trailer, along with the ACTUAL TITLE! The trailer will air before Robert Zemeckis' animated Beowulf, according to This is huge news for the 1-18-08 world.

So the countdown begains.

October 18, 2007

3rd Video Now Up on!

What up, Nation!

Looks like things are picking up! ANOTHER video (the 3rd of ???) is now available for viewing on! This time around, Jamie doesn't seem like the perky girl we've seen previously. We get to see a side we haven't seen before. This is brand new and a lot of information to take in, so go check out the video and stop in the forum and see what's there for more info.

Again, the password to access is "jllovesth".

October 06, 2007

Welcome MegaByte to the TruthTeam

I would like to welcome MegaByte to the TruthTeam. He will help keep the website more up-to-date. This will allow faster for you to get the news you want. So go to the forums and welcome MegaByte to the TruthTeam.


New news!

Whats new in the 1-18-08 world?

Well for starters:

A new website which can be found here: (99.99% official)
Tagrauto goes into detail about Slusho and much more. I really havent looked into TMR too much.

New Slusho Happy Talk!
They as follow:

-I Slushoed myself!
-I heard if you drink slusho you become as big as whale, is that true, also what new flavors are you guys adding? Also about the slusho, can you tell anymore information about where that special slusho came from or what's It all about?
-on red crab 6 times
-I'm trying to find a copy of the hit theme song, but my phone's music service doesn't offer it. Can you tell me where I can buy a copy so I can have the ringtone?
-I like inviting Slusho to the party in my mouth.
-I am HAPPY! Thanks Slusho for making me ZOOM!
-I luv slusho... bring it 2 england... please?????????
-Most Honorable Satoshi, I really like the Slusho Zoom flavors of Mikan and Nashi mixed together. Please tell me about your secret ingredient. I promise I won't speak of it to anyone, honest. A devoted consumer in America, thank you -- Billy
-Slusho! heals.
-Is there any combination that don't taste good?
-How should I mix the Slusho flavors to get the best results?
-Slusho! makes the world a better place

Also, there is a new video on so check it out. Heres a video of it from

September 29, 2007

New Photo!

Whats up Nation?
I think the title says it all.... Theres a new photo on It has a front and back, although the back is written in Jap. Thats all I have right now.

Like I said you can veiw it at

September 13, 2007

Holy jumpin Jehosaphat, Batman

A new viral website was found on the UnFiction forum. Alot of things lead up to this find and the website is almost a 100% true website. is the first website to find this (since it is their forum) And I'd like to appoligise for posting their article on here without giving credit to them (I was in a rush).

Anywho, the website is and when you click the picture on the website it brings you to a user logg in. The pasword is jllovesth. There is a video you can watch on youtube or you can download it off the website. The video off YouTube is from and it can be found here: Or, like I said you can download it off the website. This website will probably give a new video every few weeks/months. Keep checking here for updates. Cya

September 12, 2007

New Video Soon!

Hey guys just a quick update, Im working on a video and I should have it done by Saturday. Sorry its been so long, but I just started up school so things have been a little hectic. So look forward to a new video soon. Thanks for visiting and dont forget to register at the forum


September 08, 2007

Warbloid Exposed - Are they American?

Well, thanks to MegaByte for exposing the pathetic people/person who ran for using a picture of 9/11 on their website in order to try to trick us. As you can see here, they used a picture of 9/11. Now, I personally am not very happy at this action AT ALL! Although I agree with the point that we do believe what we want to hear. But if I can quote them:
"People are homeless and starving in your own country. Thousands of people are dying in conflicts around the world each day. It's almost election year in the United States and you're pissing away countless hours on your computer searching for information about a movie production."
They try to lecture something, but they used a picture that was a result of the largest terrorist attack on the United States to fake all of us out. That is disrespectful and should NOT be tolerated. Now, this is just my opinion, which I will normally not post, but this is just so disrespectful.

Heres where he found the REAL picture:

Also, here is a video posted by MegaByte onto YouTube.

If the video doesnt work, here is the link:

Warbloid Fake

Hey nation. If you didnt know, is 100% fake. Although it was obvious to me at least the following was posted on there website yesterday.

" went live on August 12, 2007. On September 6, 2007 someone finally figured out that the site was a not affiliated with 1-18-08. What does this prove? People will believe or disbelieve anything because they have an intense desire to do so. If you believe you're getting any information that hasn't been filtered through the cooperate censors, then you need to wake up and get a life. Best of luck to JJ Abrams and his crew, we're sure he will do well. Good luck to the rest of you in figuring out the 1-18-08 enigma, you are going to need it. People are homeless and starving in your own country. Thousands of people are dying in conflicts around the world each day. It's almost election year in the United States and you're pissing away countless hours on your computer searching for information about a movie production. Wake up and do something meaningful with your life! Quit living a false reality! You are accomplishing
nothing and all slaves to the fashion. Whether you believed this site was real or a fake and you're spending hours doing research, then you are a loser. So don't go patting yourselves on the back or we just might put up a few more of these sites to prove our point.
So long brother, Des"

So as you can see Warbloid is now 100% fake. Dont forget to
register at our forum here

September 05, 2007

And the movie with the most titles is.........

Well, about two days ago, guess what! Another title came to the internet. This time, its getting bad. The title could be "Wreck". What!?! I doubt this is true, but many websites are reporting it, and here at the Truth Nation, we post every thing we can find. So, could the title be "Wreck" or is that just a bunch of......

September 04, 2007

Register at the forum!

Hey nation. Still a slow week, and I start school Thursday *Sigh*, but besides that I just want to remind you to register at our forums and get active. We have some users right now, but we need some more. We are looking for maybe 1 or 2 more mods. Anywho, register here or go to Again, thanks for visiting the website that is full or truthiness. See ya later.


September 03, 2007

Weekend Update

Well, its been a really slow week and nothing is really going on in the 1-18-08 world. I wouldnt be suprised to see a big updated in the next 7-10 days. Dont forget to register on our forum here. Thats it for now, I'll be making a new video soon.

August 29, 2007

Our new home!

1-18-08 Truth has now moved to BlogSpot, this gives me a chance to get some money off the website from Google AdSense. And it gives me more control over the look of the blog. So, is now at hosted at BlogSpot!
(but it is still found at


Thanks to JamesT

A special thanks goes out to JamesT for making the beautiful banners for here and the forum.
Look at all this he made for
And the banner for the forums (which you can see here)


New Video!


Nick Back with a Roar!

Literaly! now has an update. If you sit on the website for six minutes you will hear the newest official addition to I warn you, you will jump. Do not turn up your speakers either! Anywho, thats about it.


1-18-08Truth Forums

Hey Nation, I know a lot of you come here often (because I am watching you like an eagle over its eagle's nest) Anyway, I would love it if you would register on our forums. I know what its like, you've been there, looked, saw no one was registered, and left.... WE'LL WE have to start some where. Thanks, oh and the forums can be found here:

Nick, TruthMaster

New Video

My new video!

New Email Service

Whats up Truth Nation? Nick here and I am creating thee first official unofficial 1-18-08 Newsletter! Thats right, a weekly newsletter on the 1-18-08 updates. All you have to do is send a email to and have the subject: Subscribe. If you subscribe and would like to cancle at any time, send another message suject: Unsubscribe. Do this if you dont want to keep checking websites for updates, or want to make sure you dont want to miss anything. Subscribe now. Warning, this newsletter may be full of TruthFacts (or "Rumors") and you may become ill (or "informed") if you shout HELLO! (or "subscribe")Nick, The TruthMaster (or "Webmaster")

WebDate (Website Update)

Hey Truth Nation, I relized our forms sucked. So I took the time (about 10 minutes) to make new ones with a better host then pro boards. So I made one at.. I forget where, but thats where everyone elses forms are from! Visit them at . Also nation, I would like to welcome JUSTIN!!! to the TruthTeam. Cant wait to see what he brings to the table! Thats about it. Also, subscribe to my YOUTUBE account Ill try to make tons of vidoes with TruthFacts (or as I like to call them "Rumors") Anyway, register to the forums, subscribe to me, and keep checking the site full of truthiness Truth,Nick ( )

New Video

Hey truth seekers. Nick here. I was just eating a large pizza with a dozen mild wings when I decided "Nick, why dont you make a new video" so I made a new video. This one is shorter but I answer some questions I was asked. If you have a question you want me to answer email me at or IM me on AIM at Truth11808 (for faster answers). If you have anything news related send it over to the truthiness website about 1-18-08 at have a nice visit!

AIM Screen Name

Hey guys, just a quick message for you. If you have AIM (AOL Instant Messanger) or AOL then add Truth11808. That screen name will be used so you can talk directly to me (Nick). If you have any news you'd like to give, you can now do it on AIM. Also, if you just want to chat then add that screen name... and chat about 1-18-08 or anything. Any questions or comments, email me at send news to and add Truth11808 to your buddy list!


Also, be sure to check out the new video from YouTube and subscribe to OnlyMyOpinion for 1-18-08 updates.

New Video!


Numbers and Pictures

I was over at when I saw a post by "arlo" saying that he saw letters on the cup in the newest picture. So, I looked and saw nothing. But today I saw a post by "engel" who gave some interesting pictures. Heres the picture:, I'm not saying it is anything and I doubt it is. The person who made these pictures says "Its really clear in this one that its just reflections" so he doesnt think it is anything either. The only reason I'm posting it is because if a Slusho T-Shirt from a trailer only visible partially and only on the trailer for 3 seconds is a clue, this could be.Credits: Findings by: Arlo from MonstrousForumPicture by: Engel from MonstrousForum

WebDate (Website Update)

Here is a quick update on the website.I would like to thank for becoming out affialite.I would like to welcome Evan to the TruthTeam (Lol @ TruthTeam)The forums are up and running. Register :-)If you noticed, I switched user names so this is now a community.I will be making videos on information as soon as some information becomes availible.Thats about it. Oh, and here are some email address's you should know! - Send any and all news to this email. It could be posted on the site! - Anything related to the website or if you want to join the TruthTeam!
Thanks and have a good visit.


Beasts of the Sea

I was doing some searches on people mentioned on the Slusho website. When I searched for Noriko Yoshida I found a web page at Kobe University. Now, On this webpage this image is shown.
Now I am not claiming to be the first to find this (I dont think I am). The painting is translated to: The Beasts of the Sea". Also Noriko Yoshida is in reality a screenwriter as stated in IMDB. I doubt its a connection, but it could be.

Slusho Clue?

The following is from Project Cloverfield (which is a great source)
"My slusho t-shirt arrived via USPS today. In the box I got my black
shirt,invoice copy, and a half a page of a newspaper article in
Japanese.The7-25-2007 dated article is of page 5/6, does not have any
distinguishableEnglish, aside from a Yankees logo (boo), “Godzilla [Japanese
lettering] In USA”(I shit you not; Which is also on page 6), and a bunch of
capital H’s and then“IDEKI,” though I’m not entirely sure if it’s just Hideki or
Ideki.Therewas also a 2nd article, again, only the top portion of it. It was of
pages 7/8,but again more baseball related than anything since that’s what the
pictureswere of.Either way, I’ll have the paper scrap scanned in later tonight
foranyone that’s interested and wants to see some “real” evidence. I’m not
inclinedto believe that there’s something hidden in here, since both sides are
sportsrelated, but who knows.EDIT: Here are some crappy (crappy, crappy)
cameraphone pictures of the article for 5/6 (too lazy to do more for 7/8) for
the timebeing."
Check it out, there are some photos, not very good, but take a look. Also, now, Im going to have to buy one.

Call Sheet Authentic

As reported on many websites, the call sheet that NY Mag posted a few days ago is 100% authentic. A number of websites (like this one) have received a cease and desist letters from Paramount asking them to take down the call sheet. These websites, such as Cloverfield Clues, had a link to the call sheet. It seems odd that Paramount would target the websites that link it rather than NY Mag. My belief is that its another "trick" to cause hype (they give a fake call sheet to NY Mag and then it creates excitment).


Id like to welcome you to I will be working to bring you the latest news on "1-18-08" "Cloverfield" "Overnight" or any other unofficial title that is related to J.J. Abrams newest thriller. I would also like to note we are not affiliated with the production of this movie and everything reported is just a rumor *unless stated otherwise*. Also, this website is not affiliated with Everything reported on this website will be the best of the news. I will also credit my source's (to the best of my power). Thank you for visiting, also ignore my spelling.
