November 26, 2007

Slusho! on Heroes, again.

This could meen in the comming weeks Heroe's will become a clue. This will help Heroes already huge audiance get bigger (since all the JJ fanaddicts will start watching). More as its avalible. Unhacked?

Update: Its back up. Doesnt look like anything new.
Update: 只今改装中 = they are remodeling the site now.
Right now its a big "caution" symbol with Japanese writing. Im thinking it meens Underconstruction.

The Mystery Begains!

Comming soon.

November 23, 2007 "hacked" seems to be "hacked". This is most likley part of the viral campaign, because of the fact the company does not exist. Now here is the picture.

Now, after looking at the photo for about 10 seconds, I noticed the 4 sea creatures.

A mutated like fish (far left), jelly fish (top right), squid (right middle), and a crab (bottom right). My thought after seeing this is that the monster is a result of the drilling (obviously) but I think it causes a mutated creature with th combination of all 4 of these creatures. Think about it. It walks (crab), its probably poisonous (the bio suits, which would be the jelly fish). The squid could be part of what the creature looks like. And the fish would explain why it swims so fast.
This is my theory as of now. Anywho, thoughts or coments, leave 'em.

November 20, 2007

Heroes need Slusho! too.

The cast of Heroes recently enjoyed some lovely deap sea bevrages as they gave Slusho! a try.

Many other pictures such as this one can be found at:
Also, slusho made an apperance on last nights show. Funny, Im a fan of the series, but yesterday I ended up watching WWE Raw instead (for the return of Chris Jericho). Of corse somthing like this would happen.
Also, points out that there are now advertisements for Cloverdield on the web, so keep a look out and report any of your findings.
Register at the forum, and get active.

November 19, 2007

New Website and HD Trailer up

There is now a new website, obviously the official Cloverfield website. Its

And the HD trailer is up which can be viewed here:
Both are HD (but obviously the apple one is better)

More to come as this developes.

November 18, 2007

New Poster and more

A new poster has begain to buzz around the Cloverfield world. The poster is the same as the old one, but now says "C L O V E R F I E L D". These posters began poping up on Ebay. Also is reporting that there are also "standees" for Cloverfield, although this has not been confirmed. Also, keep an eye on - This will probably be the official Cloverfield website.

Id like to remind you of our special news letter email address where you can hear about all the updates in one email. Its simple, fast, and reliable. Just email with a subject of "Subscribe". And if you havent, register and get active in the TruthForums.

Have AIM? Add the truth: Truth11808

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November 15, 2007

2nd Official Trailer Leaked On YouTube!

Finally, what we've all been waiting for over the past 3 or so months has finally happened. The 2nd highly-anticipated trailer was leaked on YouTube today by several people bringing their vid cams in the theater and capturing the trailer. Not the best quality, but we get to see it without having to wait for it to appear as an official downloadable trailer from Apple Trailers or seeing it for yourself when seeing Beowulf.

Also, the move title is finally confirmed to be the originally leaked title of the movie... "CLOVERFIELD"!

From what we see, this movie is going to be awesome!

Want to talk about the trailer? AIM Screen name: Truth11808 - Add it!

So, here's the link to the one of the better quality vids on YouTube. Come in to the forums to get more info!

November 12, 2007

Jamie and Teddy Video #4 Now Up!

As the long awaited moment of a new trailer is on just around the corner, we're treated to another installment of Jamie's video diary.

In this video, Jamie is back to her bubbly self, and once again, showing us a side we haven't seen before. If you're in the mood for a little strip tease, Jamie will oblige!

Not much else in the video to note really. At the end, she talks about "the cause" and hopes to understand it some and maybe they (Jamie and Teddy) can talk about it some next time they talk. It's obviously a big clue as she says "the cause" a few times within 30 seconds.

Jamie has also kept her word up to now about the Christmas present, which is sitting on her night stand still opened.

So, go watch the vid ( - password: jllovesth) and come into the forums to discuss your thoughts!