August 29, 2007

Slusho Clue?

The following is from Project Cloverfield (which is a great source)
"My slusho t-shirt arrived via USPS today. In the box I got my black
shirt,invoice copy, and a half a page of a newspaper article in
Japanese.The7-25-2007 dated article is of page 5/6, does not have any
distinguishableEnglish, aside from a Yankees logo (boo), “Godzilla [Japanese
lettering] In USA”(I shit you not; Which is also on page 6), and a bunch of
capital H’s and then“IDEKI,” though I’m not entirely sure if it’s just Hideki or
Ideki.Therewas also a 2nd article, again, only the top portion of it. It was of
pages 7/8,but again more baseball related than anything since that’s what the
pictureswere of.Either way, I’ll have the paper scrap scanned in later tonight
foranyone that’s interested and wants to see some “real” evidence. I’m not
inclinedto believe that there’s something hidden in here, since both sides are
sportsrelated, but who knows.EDIT: Here are some crappy (crappy, crappy)
cameraphone pictures of the article for 5/6 (too lazy to do more for 7/8) for
the timebeing."
Check it out, there are some photos, not very good, but take a look. Also, now, Im going to have to buy one.

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