August 29, 2007

Our new home!

1-18-08 Truth has now moved to BlogSpot, this gives me a chance to get some money off the website from Google AdSense. And it gives me more control over the look of the blog. So, is now at hosted at BlogSpot!
(but it is still found at


Thanks to JamesT

A special thanks goes out to JamesT for making the beautiful banners for here and the forum.
Look at all this he made for
And the banner for the forums (which you can see here)


New Video!


Nick Back with a Roar!

Literaly! now has an update. If you sit on the website for six minutes you will hear the newest official addition to I warn you, you will jump. Do not turn up your speakers either! Anywho, thats about it.


1-18-08Truth Forums

Hey Nation, I know a lot of you come here often (because I am watching you like an eagle over its eagle's nest) Anyway, I would love it if you would register on our forums. I know what its like, you've been there, looked, saw no one was registered, and left.... WE'LL WE have to start some where. Thanks, oh and the forums can be found here:

Nick, TruthMaster

New Video

My new video!

New Email Service

Whats up Truth Nation? Nick here and I am creating thee first official unofficial 1-18-08 Newsletter! Thats right, a weekly newsletter on the 1-18-08 updates. All you have to do is send a email to and have the subject: Subscribe. If you subscribe and would like to cancle at any time, send another message suject: Unsubscribe. Do this if you dont want to keep checking websites for updates, or want to make sure you dont want to miss anything. Subscribe now. Warning, this newsletter may be full of TruthFacts (or "Rumors") and you may become ill (or "informed") if you shout HELLO! (or "subscribe")Nick, The TruthMaster (or "Webmaster")

WebDate (Website Update)

Hey Truth Nation, I relized our forms sucked. So I took the time (about 10 minutes) to make new ones with a better host then pro boards. So I made one at.. I forget where, but thats where everyone elses forms are from! Visit them at . Also nation, I would like to welcome JUSTIN!!! to the TruthTeam. Cant wait to see what he brings to the table! Thats about it. Also, subscribe to my YOUTUBE account Ill try to make tons of vidoes with TruthFacts (or as I like to call them "Rumors") Anyway, register to the forums, subscribe to me, and keep checking the site full of truthiness Truth,Nick ( )

New Video

Hey truth seekers. Nick here. I was just eating a large pizza with a dozen mild wings when I decided "Nick, why dont you make a new video" so I made a new video. This one is shorter but I answer some questions I was asked. If you have a question you want me to answer email me at or IM me on AIM at Truth11808 (for faster answers). If you have anything news related send it over to the truthiness website about 1-18-08 at have a nice visit!

AIM Screen Name

Hey guys, just a quick message for you. If you have AIM (AOL Instant Messanger) or AOL then add Truth11808. That screen name will be used so you can talk directly to me (Nick). If you have any news you'd like to give, you can now do it on AIM. Also, if you just want to chat then add that screen name... and chat about 1-18-08 or anything. Any questions or comments, email me at send news to and add Truth11808 to your buddy list!


Also, be sure to check out the new video from YouTube and subscribe to OnlyMyOpinion for 1-18-08 updates.

New Video!


Numbers and Pictures

I was over at when I saw a post by "arlo" saying that he saw letters on the cup in the newest picture. So, I looked and saw nothing. But today I saw a post by "engel" who gave some interesting pictures. Heres the picture:, I'm not saying it is anything and I doubt it is. The person who made these pictures says "Its really clear in this one that its just reflections" so he doesnt think it is anything either. The only reason I'm posting it is because if a Slusho T-Shirt from a trailer only visible partially and only on the trailer for 3 seconds is a clue, this could be.Credits: Findings by: Arlo from MonstrousForumPicture by: Engel from MonstrousForum

WebDate (Website Update)

Here is a quick update on the website.I would like to thank for becoming out affialite.I would like to welcome Evan to the TruthTeam (Lol @ TruthTeam)The forums are up and running. Register :-)If you noticed, I switched user names so this is now a community.I will be making videos on information as soon as some information becomes availible.Thats about it. Oh, and here are some email address's you should know! - Send any and all news to this email. It could be posted on the site! - Anything related to the website or if you want to join the TruthTeam!
Thanks and have a good visit.


Beasts of the Sea

I was doing some searches on people mentioned on the Slusho website. When I searched for Noriko Yoshida I found a web page at Kobe University. Now, On this webpage this image is shown.
Now I am not claiming to be the first to find this (I dont think I am). The painting is translated to: The Beasts of the Sea". Also Noriko Yoshida is in reality a screenwriter as stated in IMDB. I doubt its a connection, but it could be.

Slusho Clue?

The following is from Project Cloverfield (which is a great source)
"My slusho t-shirt arrived via USPS today. In the box I got my black
shirt,invoice copy, and a half a page of a newspaper article in
Japanese.The7-25-2007 dated article is of page 5/6, does not have any
distinguishableEnglish, aside from a Yankees logo (boo), “Godzilla [Japanese
lettering] In USA”(I shit you not; Which is also on page 6), and a bunch of
capital H’s and then“IDEKI,” though I’m not entirely sure if it’s just Hideki or
Ideki.Therewas also a 2nd article, again, only the top portion of it. It was of
pages 7/8,but again more baseball related than anything since that’s what the
pictureswere of.Either way, I’ll have the paper scrap scanned in later tonight
foranyone that’s interested and wants to see some “real” evidence. I’m not
inclinedto believe that there’s something hidden in here, since both sides are
sportsrelated, but who knows.EDIT: Here are some crappy (crappy, crappy)
cameraphone pictures of the article for 5/6 (too lazy to do more for 7/8) for
the timebeing."
Check it out, there are some photos, not very good, but take a look. Also, now, Im going to have to buy one.

Call Sheet Authentic

As reported on many websites, the call sheet that NY Mag posted a few days ago is 100% authentic. A number of websites (like this one) have received a cease and desist letters from Paramount asking them to take down the call sheet. These websites, such as Cloverfield Clues, had a link to the call sheet. It seems odd that Paramount would target the websites that link it rather than NY Mag. My belief is that its another "trick" to cause hype (they give a fake call sheet to NY Mag and then it creates excitment).


Id like to welcome you to I will be working to bring you the latest news on "1-18-08" "Cloverfield" "Overnight" or any other unofficial title that is related to J.J. Abrams newest thriller. I would also like to note we are not affiliated with the production of this movie and everything reported is just a rumor *unless stated otherwise*. Also, this website is not affiliated with Everything reported on this website will be the best of the news. I will also credit my source's (to the best of my power). Thank you for visiting, also ignore my spelling.
