September 29, 2007

New Photo!

Whats up Nation?
I think the title says it all.... Theres a new photo on It has a front and back, although the back is written in Jap. Thats all I have right now.

Like I said you can veiw it at

September 13, 2007

Holy jumpin Jehosaphat, Batman

A new viral website was found on the UnFiction forum. Alot of things lead up to this find and the website is almost a 100% true website. is the first website to find this (since it is their forum) And I'd like to appoligise for posting their article on here without giving credit to them (I was in a rush).

Anywho, the website is and when you click the picture on the website it brings you to a user logg in. The pasword is jllovesth. There is a video you can watch on youtube or you can download it off the website. The video off YouTube is from and it can be found here: Or, like I said you can download it off the website. This website will probably give a new video every few weeks/months. Keep checking here for updates. Cya

September 12, 2007

New Video Soon!

Hey guys just a quick update, Im working on a video and I should have it done by Saturday. Sorry its been so long, but I just started up school so things have been a little hectic. So look forward to a new video soon. Thanks for visiting and dont forget to register at the forum


September 08, 2007

Warbloid Exposed - Are they American?

Well, thanks to MegaByte for exposing the pathetic people/person who ran for using a picture of 9/11 on their website in order to try to trick us. As you can see here, they used a picture of 9/11. Now, I personally am not very happy at this action AT ALL! Although I agree with the point that we do believe what we want to hear. But if I can quote them:
"People are homeless and starving in your own country. Thousands of people are dying in conflicts around the world each day. It's almost election year in the United States and you're pissing away countless hours on your computer searching for information about a movie production."
They try to lecture something, but they used a picture that was a result of the largest terrorist attack on the United States to fake all of us out. That is disrespectful and should NOT be tolerated. Now, this is just my opinion, which I will normally not post, but this is just so disrespectful.

Heres where he found the REAL picture:

Also, here is a video posted by MegaByte onto YouTube.

If the video doesnt work, here is the link:

Warbloid Fake

Hey nation. If you didnt know, is 100% fake. Although it was obvious to me at least the following was posted on there website yesterday.

" went live on August 12, 2007. On September 6, 2007 someone finally figured out that the site was a not affiliated with 1-18-08. What does this prove? People will believe or disbelieve anything because they have an intense desire to do so. If you believe you're getting any information that hasn't been filtered through the cooperate censors, then you need to wake up and get a life. Best of luck to JJ Abrams and his crew, we're sure he will do well. Good luck to the rest of you in figuring out the 1-18-08 enigma, you are going to need it. People are homeless and starving in your own country. Thousands of people are dying in conflicts around the world each day. It's almost election year in the United States and you're pissing away countless hours on your computer searching for information about a movie production. Wake up and do something meaningful with your life! Quit living a false reality! You are accomplishing
nothing and all slaves to the fashion. Whether you believed this site was real or a fake and you're spending hours doing research, then you are a loser. So don't go patting yourselves on the back or we just might put up a few more of these sites to prove our point.
So long brother, Des"

So as you can see Warbloid is now 100% fake. Dont forget to
register at our forum here

September 05, 2007

And the movie with the most titles is.........

Well, about two days ago, guess what! Another title came to the internet. This time, its getting bad. The title could be "Wreck". What!?! I doubt this is true, but many websites are reporting it, and here at the Truth Nation, we post every thing we can find. So, could the title be "Wreck" or is that just a bunch of......

September 04, 2007

Register at the forum!

Hey nation. Still a slow week, and I start school Thursday *Sigh*, but besides that I just want to remind you to register at our forums and get active. We have some users right now, but we need some more. We are looking for maybe 1 or 2 more mods. Anywho, register here or go to Again, thanks for visiting the website that is full or truthiness. See ya later.


September 03, 2007

Weekend Update

Well, its been a really slow week and nothing is really going on in the 1-18-08 world. I wouldnt be suprised to see a big updated in the next 7-10 days. Dont forget to register on our forum here. Thats it for now, I'll be making a new video soon.